Software jobs, Stellenangebote Software Landshut

Query SELECT `listings`.`sid` as `object_sid`, if( COUNT( `complex_enum` ) >0, COUNT( * ) -  COUNT( `complex_enum` ) +1, COUNT( *  ) ) `count` FROM `listings` JOIN `listings_properties` ON `listings`.`sid` = `listings_properties`.`object_sid`   WHERE 1 AND `listings`.`listing_type_sid` = '6' AND `listings`.`active` = '1' AND  (
			(`listings` . `access_type` = 'everyone') OR 
			(`listings` . `access_type` = 'only' AND FIND_IN_SET('', `listings` . `access_list`) ) OR 
			(`listings` . `access_type` = 'except' AND (FIND_IN_SET('', `listings` . `access_list`) = 0 OR FIND_IN_SET('', `listings` . `access_list`) IS NULL) )
			) AND (0 OR(1 AND (`id` = 'Title' AND (`value` like '%Software%')) ) OR(1 AND (`id` = 'City' AND `value` LIKE '%Landshut%') ) ) GROUP BY `listings_properties`.`object_sid` HAVING `count` = 2  ORDER BY priority desc, CompanyName ASC : 
Unknown column 'CompanyName' in 'order clause'
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  Stellenangebote Software
  Stellenangebote Landshut

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